About Me

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Welcome Glam Dolls! Kick off your heels, relax and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) while catching up on glam news & reviews! This is a palace for bombshells who are fascinated by all things beautiful and desire to be beautiful inside and out! I hope to inspire, motivate and give hope in all areas of life. Life is short, make it sweet! ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Speak Up!

Girls, what is on your minds?!  Whatever it is....I want you to speak up about it! God cares and I care! He knows your thoughts and the questions, doubts and feelings you may have. In this blog I want to answer difficult questions and touch on any topics that you want. I will do my best to give you advice from a Biblical standpoint and as God leads me. 

If you have questions - don't be afraid to ask! Send them in to me and I will try my best to answer each and every one. I will post the questions (with a fake name). I will never give out anyone's identity.

I believe in you, God believes in you - and He wants the best for you! The Bible, His Word, is your "How To" manual for life. With it, you cannot fail! That is why I will be giving you answers based on God's word - the Truth and Life. There is LIFE and Joy in his word!!

I love you girls! Please write me at dreamkt07@gmail.com.

Whatever is on your heart and mind... it matters!