About Me

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Welcome Glam Dolls! Kick off your heels, relax and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) while catching up on glam news & reviews! This is a palace for bombshells who are fascinated by all things beautiful and desire to be beautiful inside and out! I hope to inspire, motivate and give hope in all areas of life. Life is short, make it sweet! ♥

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Breakups - Question of the Day

Ladies...how do you get over a breakup? I would love for you to share! I know that a lot of girls are dealing with broken hearts and wanting to move on but having trouble. This seems to get all of us stuck at one time or another, but some have a harder time moving on.
Please post your suggestions below!

Rise and SHINE!

Good morning ladies! Rise and SHINE!!! If you're like me, you're totally not a morning person, but I woke up early today, hearing the birds chirping outside and feeling the sun peering through my window and I'm excited for today. I pray that you all have a blessed day, and that no matter what happens, you will be able to handle it and rise above any difficult times with the help of GOD! He is there for you, and with you always - through everything.

I would really like for this to be an interactive blog where I can also ask you girls questions and get a bunch of feedback so that we can all help eachother. Can you do me a favor and tell your friends and fellow bloggers about this, so that we can form a network, support group, sisterhood - whatever you would like to call it - of girls trying to seek God and His best for their lives?! It is difficult enough in these times we're living in- we need eachother! Let's stick together instead of battling against eachother.

I pray each of you would have a magnificent day!!! Continue to trust Him - who created You and Loves You! He is there whether you feel like it or not. He is there, waiting to hear from you. Talk to him this morning!

Love you all!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God's Kingdom or Your Kingdom?

When I was fourteen years old I remember thinking I had my entire life mapped out. I knew who I was going to marry, what my career was going to be, where I would live, how many kids I would have…and their names. But as time went on I realized that my “perfect” plan was falling apart. The guy that I wanted to marry fell in love with someone else, I lost my interest in singing, and Oklahoma didn’t look as promising as it had before. It’s amazing how when God steps in, everything changes.
I think its normal for any girl to want to plan out her life. We think that we know what’s best for us, and no one can tell us anything different. I remember telling my mom one day that I was going to marry a famous rockstar. She gave me a motherly look that told me I was crazy, but I was dead serious, and insulted that she would even question whether it could happen or not. At that time this particular star had millions of fans all over the world, yet I thought somehow we would meet and fall in love. Not that it couldn’t happen, but the chances of it happening were very slim, and she knew that, so she was trying to protect my heart. In the same way, sometimes we think we know what is best for us, or we think we know what an outcome will be, but in reality it is our Heavenly Father who knows what’s best. He says that He has the perfect plan for our lives. I don’t know about you, but I would rather take the perfect plan, over my plan any day!
The older I get, the more I realize that God really does know what He’s doing. You hear it all the time, but there is a huge difference between hearing, and actually seeing and believing. When I look back at all of the things God has protected me from I am so thankful. I used to get angry, and not understand what was going on in my life when certain things wouldn’t work out as I wished, but now, years later I can see more clearly. God was saving me, rescuing me from things that were too deep for my little mind to even grasp.
While I was busy spinning up my own plans, attempting to make things happen my own way, God still had his hand upon my life. When I didn’t know any better, He put blocks along my path. I was busy focusing on the Kingdom of Katie, rather than the Kingdom of God, without even realizing it. I made many attempts to try to plan my own destiny, although I believed in and loved God, I thought things were in my hands, for me to decide. I didn’t really consult Him in any decisions, although I would pray that He would bless my decisions and make happen what I wanted to happen.
            I know that many girls pray for a certain guy to like them. I know I used to wish, hope and pray, and when it didn’t work out I was crushed. Many girls ask, “God why haven’t you sent the right guy to me?” Or “Why don’t any of the guys that I like seem to like me, but the ones that I don’t like, like me?” Well, I can tell you – it’s because God is blinding their eyes to you because either none of them are the right one, or it isn’t the right timing. Right now you are in a stage of your life where you are supposed to be discovering who you are, and building a firm foundation in your relationship with God. He might not necessarily want to bring someone in to cloud that all up. When you fall in love your whole world gets turned upside down, and sometimes you lose sight of who you are if it happens to soon. God wants you to have time to discover your purpose, who you are, the gifts He has given you, and to build a foundation with Him. So don’t be sad, and don’t beat yourself up thinking that something must be wrong with you!
            The Bible says that if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern, then all of the things will be added unto you. It isn’t until you realize this and began putting God first, that everything starts to fall into place. Some of us have it backwards. We go after what we want, assuming it is what God wants, which brings frustration. Once we put God first, and focus on His Kingdom and pray for His leading and direction in our lives that is when He will give us the true desires of our hearts.
            So will you surrender it all? It may seem difficult at first to give up your plan, but you will be so glad that you did. If you don’t, life will be a struggle. If you do, things will run much smoother. God knows what we want and the true desires of our hearts even more than we do.  Will you trust Him with the details of your life? If you do you will be amazed at how He orchestrates every detail so beautifully - more beautiful than you could ever imagine. This doesn’t mean life is always roses, but He always brings a rainbow after the storms of our lives and offers us eternal, everlasting promises that will never fail.

Proverbs ~ Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord.

Proverbs 19:21~ You can make many plans, but the Lords purpose will prevail.

Revelation 3:7b~ He opens doors and no one can shut them; He shuts doors, and no one can open them.

You can roll the dice, but God determines how they fall ~